Visit Our Facility
Vital Foods, LLC
Corporate office is Located at 909 Atlanta Hwy, Gainesville GA 30501, Vital Foods, LLC is a poultry processing company that grinds, cuts, and portions poultry products. We strive to present a product that is at the top of its class in terms of quality and customer satisfaction, and all presented with a great customer service attitude. Our proud team welcomes everybody: from visitors, prospective employees, to current and future customers.
Our Food Safety Plan

Vital Foods, LLC follows a strong food safety programs that includes a HACCP plan and SSOP programs, along with all prerequisite programs. Our facility has a USDA inspection office with a IIC present at our facility every processing day. Our Food Safety coordinator has 15 years’ experience in Poultry Processing and our team is committed to following any and all special certifications for Global Standards on food safety.

Environment Protection Plan

Vital Foods, LLC is a company committed with the Environment, helping on making sure our families and our families generations are able to enjoy and play on a safer place. Vital Foods has in place programs for SWPP and WWM and will always honor and follow all rules and regulations from the Environmental Health Department, the Environmental Protection Department, and the Environmental Protection Agency to make sure we are up to standards.Vital Foods has a grate team of action including Environmental Engineers, and Environmental Specialists working all together for the same purpose "Protect the Environment".